Silk Mark Certified

“SILK” is a wonder yarn woven closely into our culture and tradition and has been for many centuries an inevitable part of all occasions of human life.! In our old stories and myths, we draped all those Kings, queens, princesses and even the gods and goddesses with silk, such was the kind of purity and sanctity attached to it…!!

Even today, Silk is the most sought-after fabric in the market and the demand for good quality silk is on steady increase. But, in today’s world every piece of cloth is claimed to be silk…!!! All that glitters is not gold!Attributed mainly to the lack of awareness and the difficulty in identifying the original silk, customer often ends up in buying hoax silk at exorbitant price!

Here comes the relevance of SILK MARK.

SILK MARK ORGANISATION OF INDIA is an initiative by Central Silk Board under Ministry of Textiles, Govt ofIndia, and the primary objective of the organisation is to safeguard and promote the interests of the producers, traders and the consumers of Genuine silk.

SILK Mark tag is an assurance to the customers that they have purchased pure silk.

Each tag bears a hologram and a unique serial number which can be verified on the website of SILK MARK ORGANISATION OF INDIA.

MOON’S WARDROBE is proud to be a member and authorised user ofSILK MARK from the year 2017.